Remouse 35 key

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Welcome to HP Forums, this is a great place to get support, find answers and tips, Thank you for posting your query, I'll be more than glad to help you out : As I understand the brightness and volume keys are not working and you need a way to fix this issue, There are a few things which you can do. In the Run window, next to Open , type MSCONFIG. Press the ENTER key. In the System Configuration Utility window, click the Startup tab. On the Startup tab, under Startup Item , ensure that there is a check in the HKserv checkbox. Also about the links, I've edited and corrected them, please use the correct links, mentioned below to reinstall the latest updates for your Fn Function keys, please follow the below steps to fix this concern: Click the Start button, then click Run. In the Run window, next to Open , type MSCONFIG. Press the ENTER key. In the System Configuration Utility window, click the Startup tab. On the Startup tab, under Startup Item , ensure that there is a check in the HKserv checkbox.

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